Mickey Guyton Shares Wedding Pics + 5 Things You May Not Know About Her

Mickey Guyton Shares Wedding Pics + 5 Things You May Not Know About Her

Mickey Guyton and Grant Savoy tied the knot in June at Hawaii’s Kauai Marriott Resort in front of a small group of family and friends.

Mickey shared a few pics on Instagram, saying, in part, “I’ve. Been. Dying. To. Share. These! 6.26.2017 My man sure can have #NiceThings 💍love y’all.”

Mickey, a CMT Next Women of Country alumni, released her new single, “Nice Things,” on July 28. She co-wrote the song with Liz Rose and Stephanie Chapman.

Check out the photos below, as well as five things you may not know about the 34-year-old Texas native.

5 Things You May Not Know About Mickey

  1. “I have a major sweet tooth. I could eat sweets for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But I don’t like sweetened cereal, which is kind of crazy.”
  2. “I usually have to fall asleep with the TV on.
  3. OK, this is a really weird one. I wet the bed as a little kid so my mom would make me use the bathroom before I went to bed. And now, I still go to the bathroom before I get in bed. I cannot break that habit. I’m a grown woman, for goodness sake.”
  4. “I get car sick, or, more accurately, bus sick. The motion does it to me.”
  5. “I have a mild obsession with the British culture. The history, the way they talk—it’s all fascinating.”

photos courtesy Mickey Guyton’s Instagram
